SFTUE “Belspetsvneshtechnika” will participate in the 8th International Military-Technical Forum “ARMY 2022”

The 8th International Military-Technical Forum “ARMY 2022” will be held from 15 till 21 of August 2022 in Kubinka. It is a major event, which exhibitors are large defense industry complex enterprises, leading design bureaus and research organizations from different countries of the world. This time, delegations and industrial enterprises from 129 countries were invited to participate in the forum. Among them are such countries as Belarus, India, Kazakhstan, Pakistan and Uzbekistan.
Within the framework of the show, dynamic displays of running, flight and firing capabilities of armament and military and special equipment will be carried out. The scientific and business program will be conducted in the format of plenary sessions, conferences, panel discussions and briefings, where defense and security key issues, as well as further directions of defense products manufacturing processes improvement will be discussed.
SFTUE “Belspetsvneshtechnika” will participate in the “ARMY 2022” at the joint booth of the State Authority for Military Industry of the Republic of Belarus together with OJSC “Orsha Aircraft Repair Plant”, where it will offer advertising and promotion materials about the activity of the company.
The International Military-Technical Forum “ARMY 2022” is not only one of the key platforms for demonstrating Belarusian defense products but also a place for attracting new partners and establishing long-term relationship with them in the sphere of military-technical cooperation. Belarusian companies regularly attend the forum and are always very interested in the success of the event.