State-owned Foreign Trade Unitary Enterprise "Belspetsvneshtechnika"

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Upgrade of ZSU–23–4 “SHILKA” self–propelled air defense gun

ZSU-23-4BM “Shilka” upgraded self-propelled air defense gun is intended to destruct low flying airborne targets – including UAVs – flying at distance of up to 2500 m and altitude of up to 1500 m with the speed of up to 450 m/s.

Upgrage of self-propelled air defense gun involves installation of modern optronic system “Strizh-М2” with the following capabilities:
• Search, lock-on and automatic tracking of a target based on target designation data received from a superior command post;
• Autonomous search, detection and tracking of airborne and ground-based (water-based) targets in passive mode based on target designation data received from AWS of combat vehicle commander;
• Search for a target within a preset sector or in all-round mode;
• Possibility to perform passive evaluation of distance to a tracked target using neural network technologies;
• Visualization of situation and service data.

Technical specifications

Телевизионный канал                  
Тепловизионный канал
Дальность круглосуточного обнаружения, км:

• тактического истребителя, летящего на высоте 1000 м, не менее
12 10
• беспилотного летательного аппарата, не менее
4 4
Спектральный диапазон, мкм
0,4 – 0,9
8 -12
Угловые размеры широкого поля зрения, град
Угловые размеры узкого поля зрения, град
Питающее напряжение
~220 B, 400 Гц и +24 В
Объем памяти обеспечивает
8-ми часовой режим информационной записи
Диапазон рабочих температур, °C от -40 до +50