State-owned Foreign Trade Unitary Enterprise "Belspetsvneshtechnika"

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Государственное внешнеторговое
унитарное предприятие


Республика Беларусь, 220103
г. Минск, ул. Калиновского, д. 8

Тел: +375 (17) 269-63-33

Факс: +375 (17) 269-63-43


Время работы предприятия:

Понедельник - пятница



Mobile navigation and survey system (MNSS)

Mobile navigation and survey system is designed for immediate topographic preparation of areas of troops combat employment, survey (survey accuracy control) of the elements of battle formations, topographic reconnaissance of the area.

System consists of:
• Van body mounted on the cross-country vehicle;
• Equipment set;
• High resolution optronic means;
• Portable means of survey support;
• Integrated navigation-information system;
• Set of special software.

Tasks to fulfil:
• Positioning and height finding of the points of special survey networks;
• Determination of plane coordinates and heights of ground points on the route of troops movement;
• Display of recorded travel routes displayed on digital terrain map;
• Examination and recovery of survey networks in troops positioning areas;
• Survey spotting (accuracy control of survey spotting) of elements of the battle formations;
• Reference direction determination;
• TV recording of terrain areas while topographic reconnaissance, digitalizing and storage of photo and TV recordings;
• Geoinformational calculations;
• Update of digital terrain information using survey spotting data of battle formations elements and posts of special survey networks;
• Landscape changes mapping on the digital map;
• Processing photo and video recordings for immediate correction of digital topographic maps, making terrain photos, decoding of video images, positioning of the displayed objects;
• Self-positioning and automatic displaying on digital map using integrated navigation equipment.

• Laptop with hightened and anti-reflecting coating;
• Tablet computer;
• Data processing AWS;
• Optronic system for topographic reconnaissance;
• Colour laser printer with print-server;
• Black-and-white laser printer with print-server;
• Scanner;
• Radio set R-181-50ТU.

Technical specifications

Mean square error of plane coordinates determination (increase of coordinates with respect to the start point) according to the integrated navigation equipment data, no more than, m:
 - when the signals from SGN are available and moving
- when the signals from SGN are not available (from the travelled distance)
Mean square error of vehicle’s longitudinal axis true azimuth definition while parked by gyro compassing (time of gyro compassing 10 min), no more than
0.1 deg х secant of latitude
Accuracy of coordinates determination according to data from optronic system of topographic reconnaissance (MSE) (with no regard for errors of initial data), m
Continuous operation time, no less than, h
Crew, persons