The System is designed to control ground and air situation. The System allows real-time visual detection and recognition of “man, vehicle, tank, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)” targets in the daytime and at night in all weather conditions. It transmits TV and (or) thermal image of the terrain to AWS, measures range and directional angle as well as determines target coordinates. The System can be used for state border protection and as reconnaissance unit at remote command and observation posts. The System can be installed both on stationary posts (towers) and on mobile objects.
When the System is installed on a mobile chassis, reconnaissance vehicle is equipped with automated workstations (AWS) intended for officials, radio communication and data transmission equipment, computers, navigation systems and can be integrated in regiment (brigade, etc.) automated control system (ACS).
Composition of control system:
• Optronic module (TV observation channel, thermal imaging (TI) observation channel, range finding channel, support and rotating platform);
• Radar module (antenna module, receiving-transmitting device, signal digital processing unit, support and rotating platform);
• Operator’s automated workstation (AWS);
• Power supply and communication unit (if necessary).