State-owned Foreign Trade Unitary Enterprise "Belspetsvneshtechnika"

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Государственное внешнеторговое
унитарное предприятие


Республика Беларусь, 220103
г. Минск, ул. Калиновского, д. 8

Тел: +375 (17) 269-63-33

Факс: +375 (17) 269-63-43


Время работы предприятия:

Понедельник - пятница



Upgraded artillery fire control system 1V12–1BM

Designed for reconnaissance and fire control of self-propelled artillery battalion, continuous and close interaction with army units, air, radar, sonar and optical reconnaissance support units as well as meteorological units.

1V12-1BМ system command and control vehicles (CCV) are mounted on MTLB-U chassis.

System composition:
• 1V15 - 1BM battalion commander CCV - 1 pcs.;
• 1V16 - 1BM battalion chief of staff CCV - 1 pc.;
• 1V14 - 1BM battery commander CCV - 3 pcs.;
• 1V13 - 1BM battery senior officer CCV - 3 pcs.

The main aim of the upgrade is to:
• Replace obsolete hardware of command and control vehicle with modern one having high-performance tactical and technical characteristics;
• Install hardware-software system allowing to control artillery battalion in automated mode for all artillery and MLRS systems.

Advantages of upgraded 1V12-1BМ system:
• Improvement of tactic-technical specifications of command and control vehicles;
• Enhancement of combat use variants for fire tasks and fire control tasks performance;
• Reduction of time required to prepare for firing and to control fire by 2-3 times;
• Improvement of accuracy of firing data preparation and, as a result, decrease of consumption of ammunition, required for fire adjustment and killing targets;
• Possibility of automated transfer in digital mode of fire preparation and fire control data, initial data for firing to battery site, as well as possibility of automated data exchange with various control posts, with combat support units;
• Possibility to conduct enemy reconnaissance in conditions of poor visibility within 24 hours, automated detection of object (target) coordinates;
• Considerable increase of reliability, reduction of expenses for technical maintenance and repair.

Technical specifications

Комплекс 1В12-1  
Модернизированный комплекс 1В12-1БМ
Время развертывания в боевое положение, мин
до 3
Время приведения в походное положение, мин
до 6
Дальность наблюдения в условиях ограниченной видимости (ночью), м
Точность топогеодезической привязки с использованием аппаратуры, м
0,1% пройденного пути
Возможность и дальность подсветки цели дальномером, м
300 – 7000
Диапазон измеряемых дальностей, м
120 – 10000
110 – 20000
Наличие переносного дальномера
стереоскопический ДС-1
телевизионно-тепловизионный «Капонир»
Тип радиосредств
Средства метеообеспечения
ДМК (1 ед.)
автоматическая метеостанция (4 ед.)
Средства подготовки исходных данных для стрельбы
аналоговая ЭВМ 9В59 (1 ед.)
ЭВМ (ПЭВМ) в каждой КМУ
Средства документирования
телеграфный аппарат СТА-67М
принтер МП-2200
Наличие системы кондиционирования
