State-owned Foreign Trade Unitary Enterprise "Belspetsvneshtechnika"

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Государственное внешнеторговое
унитарное предприятие


Республика Беларусь, 220103
г. Минск, ул. Калиновского, д. 8

Тел: +375 (17) 269-63-33

Факс: +375 (17) 269-63-43


Время работы предприятия:

Понедельник - пятница



Small arms training simulator

The firearms training is intended for developing weapons handling techniques and intuitive fast sight shooting skills. Simulator realistically reproduces the visual appearance of environment and the acoustic effects, contributing to the training process effectiveness and forming the trainees’ psychological stability.

System features
• Use of mobile (without additional connections) weapons simulators with appropriate weight and dimensional characteristics;
• Magazine case change and loading with compressed air using the loading device set;
• Simulation of the recoil force;
• Simulation of shooting with mechanical and optical sights;
• Display of trigger pulling smoothness;
• Display of incline angle;
• Reproduction of gunfire and grenade detonation sounds, distance taken into account, and of individual imitated combat sounds;
• Ballistics simulation taking into account of the dispersion characteristics and meteorological conditions;
• Display of the grenade launcher projectile trajectory;
• Trainings in the following modes: Target Zone, 3D Graphic Environment Model, Video Based Scenarios.

The system ensures
• Obtaining skills of reconnaissance of enemy/terrain by observation and by use of the firearms on the detected targets upon the unit commander’s order or by own initiative;
• Development of skills in using the small arms and antitank weapons;
• Development of automatic performance, when using the weapons;
• Monitoring of ammunition expenditure with subsequent report to the commander;
• Formation of the correct habits for choosing/fitting-out the firing site (firing place), use of protective camouflaging features of the terrain under the conditions of the virtual firepower effect on the trainees;
• The open architecture allows adaptation of the system for simulation of a required combat environment.

The electronic simulator used for sight-shooting training and for combat shakedown of the units provides the fol-lowing three basic training modes:
• Target Zone
• 3D Graphic Environment Model
• Video Based Scenarios

Target zone mode
Permits simultaneous training of several trainees on shooting at stationary and moving targets at the virtual shooting range.

The number of shooting ranges assigned individually to each trainee as well as the target environment and landscape are determined by the Customer.

• Display of the aiming line before the shot
• Display of trigger pulling smoothness
• Display of incline angle
• Display of the exercise fulfillment procedure

The system ensures
Selection of background conditions, weather conditions (snow, rain, fog), temperature, wind direction, strength, and illumination conditions to suit the time of day, targets and objects.

3D Graphic environment model mode
Allows training the commanders on control of the squad/group fire on the background of a tactical situation, and training the trainees in fulfillment of fire missions both by the squad/group commander’s order and by own initiative.

It provides for training based on the 3D environment library (flat, hilly, wooded terrain, urban environment, foothills, water area etc.).

Video based scenario mode
Training of the special forces and development of rapid fire skills in-doors and in inhabited localities on the basis of prepared video scenarios.

Basic system specification:
• Room dimensions (minimum width х length х height, m) - 7х10х3;
• Screen size (minimum width х height, m) - 2.4х6.4;
• Input power - 6kW.

Multi-screen system specification:
• Room dimensions (minimum width х length х height, m) - 7х10х3;
• Screen size (minimum width х height, m) - 2.4х6; 2.4x4;
• Input power - 6kW.

Main components of system:
• Set of weapon simulators;
• Soft/hardware subsystem:acoustic subsystems visualization subsystem software-mathematical support
• Set of loading devices;
• Instructor workstation;
• Test bench*;
• Station for development of video/graphical scenarios*.
(* Additional equipment)

Interaction of the system components
The simulator set uses the makes of the firearms being in operational service of the Special Forces and Armed Forces.

The simulator configuration and composition, the number and type of the weapon simulators can be changes according to the Customer’s requirements.