Государственное внешнеторговое
унитарное предприятие
Республика Беларусь, 220103
г. Минск, ул. Калиновского, д. 8
Тел: +375 (17) 269-63-33
Факс: +375 (17) 269-63-43
E-mail: mail@bsvt.by
Время работы предприятия:
Понедельник - пятница
Air equipment and armament
Aircraft Helicopters Aircraft ECM Repair of aviation equipment Unmanned aerial vehicles Aviation means of destruction Airfield meteorological stations Aviation training center Control - diagnostic and measuring systems Aircraft training systems (ATS)Air defense
Radar reconnaissance means Unified air defense system Anti-aircraft missile weapons Automated control systems Radio electronic warfare and reconnaissance means Communication means Metrological systems Automated means for diagnostics and repair of radio electronic devices Designation
The simulator is designed for training the drivers of MRLS “Smerch” on Тatra Т-816 chassis under different weather conditions, at different year seasons and in any time of day, without POL consumption and spending engine life, in classroom environment.
Instructor’s panel
The panel displays state of the main control units and indicators that are simulated in the module.
Instructor’s panel consists of the following elements:
• Main menu;
• Panel displaying state of control units and indicators;
• Trainee’s account data window;
• Map of driving area.
Cabin interior
Cabin interior fully matches the interior of a real car in terms of used control gears and control equipment.
There are standard driving control units, control devices, monitoring and signal equipment installed inside a cabin.
Control gear layout is similar to that in a real vehicle cabin, providing imitation of corresponding efforts, reactions and properties.
The simulator enables the driver to master the skills as below:
• Preparing a chassis for driving, engine ignition;
• Driving on roads and rough terrain under any weather conditions;
• Crossing natural and artificial obstacles;
• Working with control gear and control devices.