State-owned Foreign Trade Unitary Enterprise "Belspetsvneshtechnika"

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Государственное внешнеторговое
унитарное предприятие


Республика Беларусь, 220103
г. Минск, ул. Калиновского, д. 8

Тел: +375 (17) 269-63-33

Факс: +375 (17) 269-63-43


Время работы предприятия:

Понедельник - пятница



Main goals to upgrade combat vehicle 9А33BМ2 (BМ3)

• To increase target detection range.
• To improve target detection accuracy.
• To increase maximum range and altitude of target engagement.
• To improve jamming resistance of the equipment.
• To decrease RCS value of detected targets.
• To improve reliability of combat vehicle equipment.
• To add commander’s work station into composition of the equipment.
• To provide possibility to fire AAGM 9М33М2, 9М33М3, as well as advanced AAGM.
• To provide automatic survey and orienting of combat vehicle.
• To decrease time required for restoration of equipment operability.
• To equip combat vehicle with modern heating and air-conditioning system.

Technical specifications

Main comparative technical characteristics of combat vehicle before and after upgrade

9А33BМ2 (BМ3)
Maximum target detection range, km
up to 45
up to 60
Target detection range error, not more than, m 
120 45
Target azimuth determination error, minimum, deg
0,9 (54)
0,15 (9-10)
Maximum target engagement range, km
10 12
Maximum target engagement altitude, km
5 6
Maximum ground range of target engagement
4 6
Number of simultaneously tracked target paths by target detection radar 1 up to 32
Possibility of automatic target tracking using TV optical view finder