State-owned Foreign Trade Unitary Enterprise "Belspetsvneshtechnika"

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Государственное внешнеторговое
унитарное предприятие


Республика Беларусь, 220103
г. Минск, ул. Калиновского, д. 8

Тел: +375 (17) 269-63-33

Факс: +375 (17) 269-63-43


Время работы предприятия:

Понедельник - пятница



Equipment set for upgrade of pulse radars (radio altimeters)

Pulse radars, radio altimeters of P-12, P-18, P-15, P-19, P-37, 1L117, PRV-16, PRV-13, PRV-17 type, as well as radars and radio altimeters of other types can be upgraded in the territory of the Customer using the set of equipment.

Asa result of upgrade the following is provided:
• High reliability;
• Service life extension;
• Significant improvement of tactical and technical characteristics;
• Modern interface, enhancement of combat operation.

To perform the upgrade the following devices are delivered in a variety of combinations:

Radar signal reception and digital processing box (new design) including the following units:
• Digital processing unit (digital receiver module, signals input module, power supply module, case to install modules);
• Station operation monitor and control unit;
• БПС-6М signal converter unit as a set with Mast Head Amplifier.

Operator’s workstation including: computer unit with monitor and keyboard, software, soft keyboard, modems to connect automation set. The equipment is installed in a new case.

Set to upgrade transmitting device (or new solid state transmitting device).

Units to control drives(to replace amplidyne amplifier).

Set of fiber optical communication line to locate operator’s workstation at the distance of not less than 300 m. Static convertor 50/400 Hz instead of obsolete convertor (if necessary).

Air conditioning and heating system. Modern devices of leading manufacturers are installed for heating and air conditioning of indicator compartment.