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World news

Alliance Tested for Stability

Alliance Tested for Stability

The Belarusian Special Operations Forces conducted exercises at the Borisovsky combined-arms training range and the Brestsky training range. The military practised covert movement of reconnaissance groups using data received from the Alliance automated command and control system, which is developed by BSVT – New Technologies LLC.

Scouts equipped with special devices – tablets and smartphones that support data transmission via DMR and GSM channels – navigated the terrain using maps loaded within the Alliance system. They also exchanged voice information, messages and reconnaissance data with the command centre. The capabilities of electronic warfare (EW) assets to search, locate and jam the Alliance’s data reception/transmission facilities were also tested.

The exercises showed that under certain conditions information transmitted by the Alliance system is determined by electronic warfare assets as extraneous noise and is not jammed. Moreover, when you try to jam data reception/transmission channels, a carrier rapidly switches among frequency channels.

Note that the special software Alliance is a collection of interacting geospatial and multimedia data applications and services.

Due to the system’s design principles, information is exchanged between modules in real time.

The scope of application is not limited to purely military functions. The system can be successfully used by security, law enforcement and emergency agencies.

The Alliance command and control system has already been successfully tested in one of the Middle Eastern countries and is currently undergoing trial operation in Belarus.
