State Authority for Military Industry hold a working meeting on preparing MILEX-2021 international expo

State Authority for Military Industry hold a working meeting chaired by Minister Dzmitry Pantus to prepare for 10-th International Expo of Military Equipment and Armament MILEX-2021. Within the meeting, the concept was discussed, approaches on making a list of the national equipment to be showcased, arrangements to prepare for the meeting and scientific conference on military-technical issues, problems of defense and security, as well as offers on arranging the events of military-technical cooperation and informational support of the expo.
To open the meeting, the Minister of the State Authority for Military Industry Dzmitry Pantus highlighted that MILEX expo is becoming more and more recognized as an expo brand in the sphere of military equipment and armament, being the largest expo not only in the Republic of Belarus, but in Eastern European region too.
According to Dzmitry Pantus, because of COVID-19 situation in 2020, business activity and contacts of military-technical cooperation suffered a decrease, that is why it is important to use the full potential of coming 10-th International Expo of Military Equipment and Armament “MILEX-2021”.
“MILEX” expo is an original showcase of the Belarusian military industry and becuase of this we prepare in advance for this international military forum“, emphasized the Minister of the State Authority for Military Industry.
Dzmitry Pantus reminded that in order to prepare and arrange the event well according to the order of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus, the terms have been defined (June 23-26, 2021), interdepartmental organizing committee has been established that has the task of arranging the expo preparation and carrying out. In its turn, the State Authority for Military Industry as well has a working group headed by the First Deputy Minister Igor Demidenko, this working group distributed tasks and obligations among its members, as well as between the structural departments of the State Authority for Military Industry in regard to armament and carrying out MILEX-2021 and a scientific conference within the expo.
Following the results of the working meeting, the Minister of the State Authority for Military Industry Dzmitry Pantus approved the concept of 10-th International Expo of Military Equipment and Armament MILEX-2021, the organizers, aims and tasks of the expo, its focus, requirements to models of armament, military and special equipment, terms and place of the forum and conference.
The head of the State Authority for Military Industry as well made a task to update the plan of events on preparing and carrying out the expo and before the end of 2020finalize the work on its making, fill the expo with maximum range of armament and military equipment, including innovative and competitive models.
“Wide specter of products, works (services) and technologies to be presented at MILEX international expo by the companies being a part of the State Authority for Military Industry and defense sector of Belarusian economy must vividly present the results of the policy of the State Authority for Military Industry to develop the military industry and directed to provide its efficient functioning as a high-technology and multi-specialty economic branch, as well as create favorable conditions for efficient use of scientific knowledge in order to develop it further”, summed up the Minister.