Goscomvoyenprom sums up the results of the open contest among its organizations for the best website of 2018

State Authority for Military Industry of the Republic of Belarus has summed up the results of the open contest for the best website among its organizations that was held from 17 September to 14 December 2018.
In 2018, twenty five organizations took part in the open contest, including three defense sector companies (OJSC “Minsk Mechanical Works named after S I. Vavilov – managing company of BelOMO holding”, “NPO Center” JSC, “OKB Academicheskoye” OJSC).
The contest was primarily held to identify the most advanced and content-rich websites, encourage introduction of top-notch network technologies in various fields (including the effective use of web marketing tools for positioning and promotion of products and services in foreign markets), determine the best strategies, methods and business models of Internet use to meet the information needs of foreign target audiences and facilitate the development of the Belarusian Internet sector as an environment for professional activities. The emphasis was placed on creation of full-fledged communication channels through Internet sites and social networks, including establishing and branding official social media accounts (YouTube channels), along with putting finishing touches to the depelopment of mobile versions of Internet sites and their adaptation to various mobile devices.
In order to ensure professional analysis of the websites participating in the contest, the panel of judges involved independent experts and analysts of Edulab web studio, Modern Digital Solutions agency and SEObility internet marketing agency.
On 27 December 2018, the judges studied the monitoring results and evaluated the contestants’ websites based on 8 criteria; the final results were listed in Goscomvoyenprom Order No. 4 dated 22 January 2019. The following winners were announced:
Best website of a special exporter company – SFTUE “Belspetsvneshtechnika”;
Best website of an industrial organization – “BSVT-New Technologies”;
Best website of a (scientific) scientific-production organization – JSC “AGAT – Control Systems” – Managing Company of Geoinformation Control Systems Holding”;
Best website of a defense sector organization – OJSC “Minsk Mechanical Works named after S I. Vavilov – managing company of BelOMO holding”;
The judges made a special decision to pick JSC “AGAT – Control Systems” – Managing Company of Geoinformation Control Systems Holding” from among the nominations winners and award the company with an annual Trophy. The award ceremony was held during a Goscomvoyenprom collegium meeting on 31 January 2019.
The contest offered an opportunity to rectify the revealed shortcomings in operation of websites, enhance their effectiveness, increase skill level of personnel and further promote the best web resources owned by organizations under the umbrella of Goscomvoyenprom.
In 2019, organizers intend to go on with the trend of holding the Best Website Contest. Various defense sector organizations – regardless of ownership form and affiliation – will be eligible to participate.