The awarding ceremony for the runners-up and the winner of the open contest for the best website of the company of the State Authority for Military Industry was held at the meeting of the Commission of the State Authority for Military Industry on January 29, 2021.
The websites of the companies registered in BY domain being technically ready and functioning “online” at the time of the contest and corresponding to the announced contest nominations, were admitted to participate. There are 27 websites in total - 23 websites of the companies being part of the State Authority for Military Industry and 4 websites of defense companies of the Republic of Belarus involved in design and development works for the State Authority for Military Industry.
The Contest Board, which consisted of the representatives of the Central Office of the State Authority for Military Industry, independent experts as well as analysts of numerous Belarusian IT companies and marketing agencies, analyzed the monitoring results and evaluated the contestants' websites according to 8 criteria (content, structure and navigation, design and usability, updating, functionality, website promotion and feedback).
It is noted that most company websites are simple and easily navigated, well- designed as they emphasize special focus of the resource. The mentioned websites have graphic content, as well as a verified, well-dosed amount of advertising and promoting information, operate correctly and adapt to mobile devices.
In 2020, a positive trend to improve the corporate Internet resources has continued including the State Authority for Military Industry system. Every 5th company with its own website has upgraded the quality of the websites.
Modern technological solutions for convenient work with the websites content have become used more widely. In order to promote products and services for export, the relevant information on the company websites has been systematically updated.
On the website of OJSC “558 Aviation Repair Plant” foreign language options of the content have increased to 4 languages - English, French, Spanish, Arabic, related to traditional markets of services rendered by the mentioned plant.
On the initiative of SFTUE “Belspetsvneshtechnika”, “BSVT-analytics” section has been created on the company website and is regularly updated. In 2020 sixty nine analytical information materials in 6 sections were placed on the website that might be interesting for military industry specialists.
The contest made it possible to select the most modern corporate websites, generate fresh ideas for their further improvement, eliminate previously identified software and hardware deficiencies in operation of a range of company Internet resources, improve efficiency of their functioning, improve practical skills of those responsible for website maintenance, and also to make an important contribution to the development of IT sphere in the Republic of Belarus, developing and promoting the best websites of the Belarusian domain of the Internet, owned by the companies being part of the State Authority for Military Industry system.
The results of the contest were announced in the Order No. 7 of the State Authority for Military Industry dated January 26, 2020 and the Minister of the State Authority for Military Industry Dmitry Pantus presented diplomas and the award to the heads of the companies for:
“The best website of a special export company” - SFTUE “Belspetsvneshtechnika” and SFTUE “Belvneshpromservice”;
“The best website of an industry company” - OJSC “Agat - Electromechanical Plant”;
“The best website of a scientific and production company” - OJSC “AGAT – Control Systems – Managing Company of Geoinformation Control Systems Holding”;
“The best website of a defense company of the Republic of Belarus" - Republican Unitary Enterprise “Research and Production Center of Multifunctional Unmanned Systems” of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
SFTUE “Belspetsvneshtechnika” with its website was announced to be the winner of the contest and was awarded.
By a special decision of the Contest Board, the website of SFTUE “Belspetsvneshtechnika” was ranked the best one among the winners in each of the nominations and was awarded with the prize of the winner of the contest.
The organizers of the contest are planning to continue holding the open contest for the best website in 2021 and the owners of the Internet resources of the companies of various ownership and departmental affiliation, representing defense industry of the Republic of Belarus, can participate in the mentioned contest.