SFTUE “Belspetsvneshtechnika” presented Robotic Complex “Vistl” at MILEX-2021 Exhibition

Robotic Complex “Vistl” was displayed at the stand of SFTUE “Belspetsvneshtechnika” during the 10th International Exhibition of Arms and Military Machinery MILEX-2021.
The robotic complex is equipped with a package of 18 guides for the S-5 type rockets and is designed for effective firing from a spot at ranges of up to 4 000 m against enemy manpower, armored and unarmored targets. The combat robot is controlled remotely via a protected radio channel with a patented technology for countering electronic warfare.
The optical-electronic station “Chizh-D”, located on the combat module, is equipped with thermal and television cameras with different fields of view, as well as a laser rangefinder, which allows it to detect large armored targets at a distance of over 3 300 m.
The robotic complex “Vistl” is able to determine its own position, course and tilt. It’s equipped with an intelligent system that calculates the aiming angle, firing direction.
The complex has two modes:
coordinate guidance mode (used to hit from covered firing positions);
observed target guidance mode.
Robotic Complex “Vistl” Specifications:
Optical-electronic station – OES “Chizh-D”
Armament – S-5 unguided air-to-surface rockets
Weight, kg – 2 200
Dimensions (HxWxL), mm – 1800x1400x2500
Battery-powered operation time in standby mode, h – 24 hours
Track width, m – 1.1
Ground clearance, mm – 180
Approach and departure angles, degrees – 35
Power train – hybrid
Maximum speed, km/h – 5
Range, km – 30
LOS control range, m:
in urban areas – 2 000
in open areas – 5 000