INNOVATIONS AT MILEX-2019: Many Projects Presented At BSVT Stand That Has Become The Center Of Expo

At the stand of State-owned Foreign Trade Unitary Enterprise “Belspetsvneshtechnika” (BSVT) that has become the center of MILEX-2019, many projects were presented resulting from the joint work of BSVT, Belarusian manufacturers and foreign partners.
One of the most interesting exhibits shown at the expo is “Alliance” Automatized C2 System for Land Forces. This unique software enables the commander to control the troops of strategic and tactical level up to a soldier and assign targets for combat systems. The system is now being tried by the Belarusian military and by the military of one foreign partner of BSVT.
As well, the company stand presented wide range of small arms produced by an affiliate company of BSVT. According to the Head of Informational & Analytical Department Vladimir Marzaliuk, this range of small arms includes sports, hunting firearms, combat automatic and single-shot weapons. The caliber of ammunition is the most popular in the world, 7.62 mm in particular. Besides, there are firearms that can be used with ammo for AKM, PKM and SVD sniper rifle. This makes the presented small arms competitive in African region, Arab countries, and Asia. Some of the weapons can be used with NATO caliber 7.62x51 mm that is important for Arab countries. Moreover, the company offers its services on upgrading small arms and ammo.
Near the small arms, visitors could see optronic devices that can be used with them. Besides, the company produces optronic systems for armored vehicles, such as tanks, APCs, and IFVs. For instance, the observation device for the commanders of armored vehicles has three observation channels and is installed instead of PP-61 sight in the turret of BTR-60 and BTR-70. “Manul” sight is installed on BTR-80 and BMP-2 and has a night-vision mode. Thermal-imaging sight of a tank gunner has a capability to output data on the range to target and is intended to enhance the combat performance of T-72, T-55, T-64 and T-80 tanks significantly.
One more project to become very popular at the expo is “TRIO” Air Defense Missile System that is an upgraded “Strela-10”. “TRIO” ADMS is intended for the air defense of military and industrial facilities, regiments and formations of land forces, as well as for engaging small air targets including UAVs. The unique part of the system is its anti-aircraft missile that is an upgraded air-to-air missile. The effective range is up to 8 km and according to the OEM, it is completely Belarusian-made.
The company representative Vladimir Marzaliuk added:
“Another unique part of the system is the optronic station. This ADMS can control not only its own vehicles but integrate other combat systems depending on the type of an air target. This multilevel tactical AD system can be used to protect and guard the sites of different scale.”
This solution of the company is cost-efficient in terms of fighting against UAVs and it includes a mobile command post, a combat vehicle equipped with Belarusian-made missiles to destroy targets within max 8 km. The command post can be used to control an upgraded Self-propelled AA Gun “Shilka” that can fire with 23 mm rounds within 2.5 km to destroy small UAVs. Finally, it is possible to use robotized combat system “Berserk” equipped with 7.62 rounds to destroy targets within max 1000 m.
BSVT stand presented the whole cluster of high-precision artillery weapons, anti-tank missiles and aircraft missiles of different type.
In addition to this, the company exhibited both its new products and the equipment of high demand among its customers. For example, BSVT stand showcased simulators. The full-scale simulator for BMP-2 drivers makes the driver to feel as if behind the wheel of a real vehicle. The instructor can use the computer program to assign training mission for the driver. The training course for drivers using the simulator saves many funds. Another simulator presented at the expo is intended to train the operator of “IGLA” MANPAD. According to the company representatives, this simulator compensates its cost after 10-15 training shots taking into account the cost of real ammo. The system includes MANPAD replica, VR headset to display tactical environment, weather conditions and different types of targets, as well as instructor’s workplace where it is possible to simulate different training conditions.
Besides the equipment, special attention at the company stand was focused on the businesses that are actively developing worldwide. The stand presented the capabilities of Orsha Aircraft Repair Plant regarding overhaul and upgrade of helicopters and equipment. Now the plant can work with practically all the types of helicopters, while industrial and R&D capacities enable the plant to overhaul and upgrade up to 60 helicopters per year. At BSVT stand, a South-African partner Paramount Advanced Technologies presented its avionics, aircraft equipment and armament guidance system.
The projects on state border security took a special place at the stand. Different security systems were presented that can be equipped at automobile and railroad checkpoints. The company renders all the services on establishing the integrated border security system starting from preparation of the land plots up to the delivery of ready-to-operate border facilities.