MILEX-2021 – Calling Card of State Authority for Military Industry

In compliance with the order of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus No. 143r dated June 30, 2020 “On holding the 10th International Exhibition of Arms and Military Machinery MILEX-2021”, the expo is to be held within June 23-26, 2021 in Minsk at Minsk Arena Complex (Minsk, Pobediteley avenue, Skating Stadium of Minsk Arena Complex).
Aims of the Expo:
Present the products of defense industries that produce dual-purpose goods;
Assist in establishing the relations between the OEMs and consumers of the products of the defense industry;
Introduce new hi-tech developments;
Present the capabilities of the companies that do upgrade and overhaul of arms, military and special equipment;
Make agreements related to the upgrade of arms;
Promote arms, military and special equipment and boost the prestige of the Armed Forces.
The Expo will include the 9th International Scientific Conference on Military-Technical Issues, Challenges of Defense and Security, as well as on the matters of dual-purpose technologies.
The conference will be held as sectional meetings within June 23-25, 2021. Its participants will be the heads and specialists of national ministries and authorities, scientific and educational institutions, national and foreign enterprises and companies that develop and implement perspective technologies of military and dual purpose. The conference program includes: public speaking on a special topic at a sectional meeting, participation as a member without public speaking. After the conference, a conference information package will be published and loaded to the Russian Science Citation Index.
It is planned to hold four sectional meetings within the conference:
1. Geo-informational control systems, automated systems for command & control over forces and arms, communication systems and equipment (joint section);
2. Countermeasures against high-precision weapons, Electronic Warfare systems and equipment, RADINT, ELINT, SIGINT systems;
3. Upgrade, overhaul and recycling/disposal of arms and military equipment;
4. Modern trends of military medicine and pharmaceutical science.
A separate sectional meeting will take place, namely “Development of cooperative and integrated interaction of companies of the defense industry of the CSTO member states”.
Official opening ceremony will take place in Minsk Arena Complex on June 23, 2021.
The expo will take place in the skating stadium and open space of Minsk Arena Complex.
Total square of the expo will be approximately 16000 sq.m.
The companies operating under the State Authority for Military Industry are planning to showcase 334 models of arms, military and special equipment:
In open space – 61 unit;
In closed expo – 273 units.
The exhibits:
that were presented at MILEX-2019 – 76 units;
presented before, but upgraded – 81 unit;
new – 177 units, and 148 of them will be showcased by the companies operating under the State Authority for Military Industry.
Link to the video at YouТube-channel of the State Authority for Military Industry of the Republic of Belarus: