System of commander fire control vehicles for towed and rocket artillery

The system is designed for reconnaissance and fire control for towed and rocket artillery battalion. It is used for continuous and close interaction with army units, air, radar, sonar and optical reconnaissance support units as well as meteorological units.
System composition:
•Battalion commander CCV based on mobile transport vehicle “Cayman”–1 unit;
•Battery commander CCV based on mobile transport vehicle “Cayman”–3 units;
•Battalion chief of staff CCV (command and staff vehicle) based on vehicle chassis MZKT-500200 with van body–1 unit;
•Battery senior officer CCV based on vehicle chassis MZKT-500200 with van body–3 units.
The main advantages of the system:
•Equipping commander CCV with modern equipment having high-performance tactical and technical characteristics;
•Installation of hardware-software system which significantly reduces time required for fire preparation and control as well as possibility of automated data exchange with various control posts;
•Possibility to conduct enemy reconnaissance in conditions of poor visibility within 24 hours;
•Possibility of automated detection of object (target) coordinates, determination of initial data for firing and their transfer to commanders (rocket artillery combat vehicles);
•Considerable increase of reliability of artillery units and fire control system.
Time to deploy into combat position, min up to 3
Time to transfer into travel position, min up to 5
Observation range in limited visibility
conditions (night), m up to10000
Positioning accuracy using hardware, m 0.2% of travelled distance
Possibility and range 300–7000
of target illumination by range – finder, m
Range of measured distances, m 110–20000
Availability of portable range–finder “Kaponir” range–finder
Тype of radio means digital
Meteorological means automatic weather station
Means of initial data preparation computer in each CCV
Recording means printer
Availability of air conditioning system in each CCV