Results of the 5th International Military-Technical Forum “Army-2019”

The 5th International Military-Technical Forum “Army-2019” has finished. During six days, many events took place at “Patriot” congress & exhibition center, “Kubinka” airfield and “Alabino” firing range.
In total, more than one million participants and guest visited the expo.
More than 1300 Russian and foreign companies of defense industry, leading design bureaus and R&D institutes took part in Army-2019 and presented more than 27 200 items.
Ten countries presented their national exhibitions: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, India, Kazakhstan, China, Pakistan, Turkey, Thailand and South Africa.
Representatives of 120 countries visited Army-2019: high-level delegations from 41 country, delegations of experts from 16 countries, delegations of foreign embassies from 63 countries. Total number of the representatives of defense authorities exceeded 700 persons.
National exhibition of the Republic of Belarus was presented by 20 companies and organizations. The leader of the Belarusian delegation at the expo was Mr. Roman Golovchenko, Minister of the State Authority for Military Industry.
SFTUE “Belspetsvneshtechnika” was the general organizer of the joint exhibition of the State Authority for Military Industry at Army-2019 that united such companies as OJSC “AGAT – Control Systems – Managing Company of Geoinformation Control Systems Holding”, OJSC “Tekhnika Svyazi”, OJSC “Agat – Electromechanical Plant”, OJSC “558 Aircraft Repair Plant”, Minsk Research Instrument-Making Institute JSC (MNIPI JSC), OKB TSP Scientific Production Limited Liability Company (OKB TSP SPLLC), OJSC “INTEGRAL”, LLC “ATE-Engineering” and Scientific-Production Enterprise “REATechno”.
The following companies presented their products separately: OJSC “Peleng”, OJSC “Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant”, JSC “Display“ Design Office”, Unitary Enterprise “Minotor-Service”, “BelOMO” Holding etc.
Companies of the Belarusian defense industry brought more than 250 samples of military products to Kubinka. Many of the samples were exhibited for the first time.
During this event, SFTUE “Belspetsvneshtechnika” carried out a number of negotiations with the representatives of Russian companies of defense industry, as well as with the representatives of foreign ministries and authorities about joint projects and to extend military-technical and military-economic cooperation.
During the award ceremony, SFTUE “Belspetsvneshtechnika” received a plaque of honor of Army-2019 and diploma “For arrangement of the national exposition of the Republic of Belarus at International Military-Technical Forum “Army-2019”.