SFTUE “Belspetsvneshtechnika” is taking part in the 5th International Military-Technical Forum “Army-2019”

From 25 to 30 June 2019, the 5th International Military-Technical Forum “Army-2019” takes place in Kubinka near Moscow at “Patriot” congress & exhibition center, “Kubinka” airfield and “Alabino” firing range. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is the host of the event. Its co-organizers are Federal Space Agency and Rostec. Army-2019 is held according to the decree of the Government of Russia and is related to all the matters of Armed Forces development.
The main purpose of Army-2019 is to establish conditions for efficient search of innovations and technologies intended to maintain state security and defense that can be integrated into perspective military equipment and armament. As well, many solutions are presented at Army-2019 that make better everyday operation, management, training and use of the Armed Forces, subordinate organizations and enterprises of Russian MoD, their logistic support, delivery of products and services of general purpose.
More than 1500 large Russian and foreign companies of defense industry, leading design bureaus and R&D institutes take part in the expo. All together, they present more than 27 thousand products and technologies.
Official delegations of military and defense industry authorities from about 130 countries plan to visit Army-2019.
This year, Belarus delegated approximately 20 different companies and organizations to this event.
SFTUE “Belspetsvneshtechnika” is the general organizer of the joint exhibition of the State Authority for Military Industry at Army-2019.
Belarusian joint exhibition presents the products and capabilities of ten Belarusian companies: SFTUE “Belspetsvneshtechnika”, OJSC “AGAT – Control Systems – Managing Company of Geoinformation Control Systems Holding”, OJSC “Tekhnika Svyazi”, OJSC “Agat – Electromechanical Plant”, OJSC “558 Aircraft Repair Plant”, Minsk Research Instrument-Making Institute JSC (MNIPI JSC), OKB TSP Scientific Production Limited Liability Company (OKB TSP SPLLC), OJSC “INTEGRAL”, LLC “ATE-Engineering” and Scientific-Production Enterprise “REATechno”.
The following companies present their products separately: OJSC “Peleng”, OJSC “Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant”, JSC “Display“ Design Office”, Unitary Enterprise “Minotor-Service”, “BelOMO” Holding etc.
Companies of the Belarusian defense industry brought more than 250 samples of military products to Kubinka. Many of the samples have been exhibited for the first time.
The leader of the Belarusian delegation at Army-2019 is Mr. Roman Golovchenko, Minister of the State Authority for Military Industry.
Army-2019 is not only one of the key venues to present the Belarusian military products, but the place of negotiations on the issues of military-technical and military-economic cooperation.
Varied program of Army-2019, views exchange, meetings and negotiations, presentations of the latest technologies to be applied in military sphere will strengthen international military-technical cooperation and become a drive for development of new solutions, military conceptions and scientific-technical capacity that will contribute to the defense and security of the Republic of Belarus and Russian Federation.