SFTUE “Belspetsvneshtechnika” will take part in the 9th International defence industry exhibition-conference “Defense & Security 2019”

SFTUE “Belspetsvneshtechnika” will take part in the 9th International defence industry exhibition-conference “Defense & Security 2019” which will take place in Bangkok, Thailand within November 18-21, 2019.
Among the exhibitors taking part in the exhibition together with SFTUE “Belspetsvneshtechnika” will be JSC “Display Design office”, JSC “KB Radar”, SPLLC “OKB TSP”.
At the unified booth, it is planned to show the following products:
- SFTUE “Belspetsvneshtechnika”: mock-up of MLRS “Polonez”, automated control system for special operations “Alliance” with smartphone and tablet, Puma-70, mock-ups of staff vehicles MSh 6317-PO-КSh, KMShM, MSh 6317-RО, mock-ups grenade launcher “Sapfir” and 100-mm round for BMP-3, inertial navigation system for Strela-1, mock-up of coast guarding system “Talisman”.
- JSC “KB Radar”: mock-ups of “Vostok” radar, small макеты РЛС «Восток», «Rosa-RB» low-flying target detection radar system, «Groza» VHF/UHF radio communication jammer, "Groza-S" counter-UAV electronic warfare station mounted on chassis MZKT-VI and Ford Transit.
- SPLLC “OKB TSP”: mock-ups of BUK-MB, Command and staff vehicle, Radar-50, composite picture of Buk-MB.
- JSC “Display Design office”: combat light module, computer UPC-240.