SFTUE “Belspetsvneshtechnika” will present RPG “Sapphire” at the exhibition “MILEX-2021”

Within June 23-26, 2021 during the 10th International Exhibition of Arms and Military Machinery MILEX-2021, SFTUE “Belspetsvneshtechnika” will present a multipurpose grenade launcher RPG “Sapphire” at its booth.
“Sapphire” is a light rocket-propelled grenade launcher with an unguided grenade, equipped with a multipurpose warhead (CW) and a digital fire control device (FCD), which can significantly increase fire accuracy and reduce the cost of ammunition.
It is designed to combat modern main battle tanks, armored, light armored and non-armored targets, destruct enemy manpower with body armor (BA) located in bunkers, earth-and-timber emplacements, light field-type shelters, urban and rural structures. The dimensions and weight of the launcher allow the personnel to easily move along connecting trenches and embark on any military vehicles.
A distinctive feature of the grenade launcher is the ability to fire from small-sized sheltered areas due to small caliber and smooth start of a rocket-propelled grenade. As a result, the developed 60 mm launcher is as efficient as heavier models of this class of 90-105 mm caliber, but it also outperforms such models in firing quality, namely has better pointblank firing distance.
Specifications of RPG “Sapphire”:
Caliber MG - 60 mm
MG weight with TPK - 4 kg
TPK length - 750 mm
Pointblank range (PBR) - 150 m
Maximum aimed firing range - 400 m
Maximum firing range - 1000 m
Fire grouping by elevation and azimuth by PBR - maximum 0.5 m
At present moment, the launcher is undergoing firing tests, which are planned to be finished in July 2021.