“Alliance. KRUS” is able to be integrated into any environment

LLC BSVT - New Technologies is successfully implementing research and development work on creation of C4I system “Alliance-2. KRUS” for special operations units and combat equipment.
The System is a portable product based on smartphone (protection class min IP-65) with special software and VHF/UHF radio module, general industrial tablets, rugged laptops and signal flow controller (digital clock with vibration alert function, heart rate monitor, etc.).
Communication devices, an active telephone and microphone headset, an operational command panel, an additional stand-alone power supply, and special software are integrated into the System.
According to its technical capabilities, the System is capable to receive signals from GPS/GLONASS satellite radio navigation network as well as provide data receiving and transmitting in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, UHF, GSM, 3G, 4G frequency range.
Stable communication is provided at the distance of up to 10 km in open areas and up to 5 km in cross-country terrain. At the same time, it is possible to receive/ transmit data (object parameters, location, small text) in enemy's EW environment.
“Alliance. KRUS” has a modular architecture and includes units of various purposes. Their composition is determined according to the task being performed. Using the appropriate set of modules (tablet, rugged laptop), the unit commander monitors the location of his soldiers in real time, controls their condition, sets specific tasks for the soldiers, determines and sends tracks, and also transmits orders or receives reports using all operating bands via various communication equipment.
Communication within the division and outside is provided by using a telephone and microphone headset with voice communication and active jamming functions, as well as operational command panel, which has a set of controls to manage various functions.
Operational command panel integrated into “Alliance. KRUS” and located on the chest of the personnel has an ergonomic and user-friendly design with the functions most needed in battle.
The System can be used by any law enforcement agencies because it is able to flexibly integrate into the existing environment.
The article of July issue of “VPK. Belarus" magazine describes this perspective System.
Read in details: https://vpk.gov.by/upload/iblock/5e7/26_28.pdf