Государственное внешнеторговое
унитарное предприятие
Республика Беларусь, 220103
г. Минск, ул. Калиновского, д. 8
Тел: +375 (17) 269-63-33
Факс: +375 (17) 269-63-43
E-mail: mail@bsvt.by
Время работы предприятия:
Понедельник - пятница
Air equipment and armament
Aircraft Helicopters Aircraft ECM Repair of aviation equipment Unmanned aerial vehicles Aviation means of destruction Airfield meteorological stations Aviation training center Control - diagnostic and measuring systems Aircraft training systems (ATS)Air defense
Radar reconnaissance means Unified air defense system Anti-aircraft missile weapons Automated control systems Radio electronic warfare and reconnaissance means Communication means Metrological systems Automated means for diagnostics and repair of radio electronic devicesUpgrade of the automated test system is aimed at enhancing operational, technical parameters and functional capabilities of its hardware.
Advantages of upgraded automated test system:
• Use of modern industrial computer as control and calculation device;
• Reduced hardware dimensions and weight parameters;
• Enhanced operational reliability – hardware MTBF is 2 times longer;
• Use of modern methods for visualization and recording of test results ensuring accumulation and continuous storing of test results for airborne guided missiles, which allows predicting their technical condition;
• Use of static RAM with function of data re-recording.
If required by the Customer, special equipment of the automated test system may include special diagnostic hardware used to find faults in missiles and perform diagnostics in automatic mode to detect failures up to the level of replaceable units.
Power supply aggregates of the automated test system are based on enhanced static converters (power saving, silent operation, easy maintenance).
In the upgraded automated test system, enhanced service software is used:
• Set-up of test (self-test) programs in dialogue mode;
• Possibility to modify test (self-test) programs, as well as to create new programs without use of additional equipment;
• Output of various data to display screen or to printer.
The upgraded set of equipment is delivered to the Customer with technical documentation and SPTA. Aligning of the equipment and training of technical specialists is performed in the Customer’s country.