Государственное внешнеторговое
унитарное предприятие
Республика Беларусь, 220103
г. Минск, ул. Калиновского, д. 8
Тел: +375 (17) 269-63-33
Факс: +375 (17) 269-63-43
E-mail: mail@bsvt.by
Время работы предприятия:
Понедельник - пятница
Air equipment and armament
Aircraft Helicopters Aircraft ECM Repair of aviation equipment Unmanned aerial vehicles Aviation means of destruction Airfield meteorological stations Aviation training center Control - diagnostic and measuring systems Aircraft training systems (ATS)Air defense
Radar reconnaissance means Unified air defense system Anti-aircraft missile weapons Automated control systems Radio electronic warfare and reconnaissance means Communication means Metrological systems Automated means for diagnostics and repair of radio electronic devices During upgrade of R-60 airborne guided missiles, the following is carried out:
• Developing and manufacturing new types of seekers (TI and laser) for use of R-60 missile with ground platforms and UAVs;
• Developing and manufacturing modern optical proximity fuze for effective destruction of small-size targets;
• Developing actuating sensors of angular and linear velocities, overloads;
• Installation of a new rocket motor and a gas generator.