Государственное внешнеторговое
унитарное предприятие
Республика Беларусь, 220103
г. Минск, ул. Калиновского, д. 8
Тел: +375 (17) 269-63-33
Факс: +375 (17) 269-63-43
E-mail: mail@bsvt.by
Время работы предприятия:
Понедельник - пятница
Air equipment and armament
Aircraft Helicopters Aircraft ECM Repair of aviation equipment Unmanned aerial vehicles Aviation means of destruction Airfield meteorological stations Aviation training center Control - diagnostic and measuring systems Aircraft training systems (ATS)Air defense
Radar reconnaissance means Unified air defense system Anti-aircraft missile weapons Automated control systems Radio electronic warfare and reconnaissance means Communication means Metrological systems Automated means for diagnostics and repair of radio electronic devices
Aircraft training systems provide acquisition and improvement by flight personnel in ground conditions of flight technique, navigation (aircraft/ helicopter navigation) and combat employment against aerial and ground targets, and power unit, aircraft/helicopter systems and equipment operation on ground and in flight in accordance with requirements of aircraft/helicopter flight operations manuals and combat training program.
ATS provides for acquisition and improvement by flight personnel of skills during performance of:
• Pilot’s actions before sitting into the cockpit;
• Pilot’s actions after sitting into the cockpit;
• Checking of airborne systems with running engines;
• Preparation for taxiing-out and taxiing;
• Takeoff, flight, landing approach and landing;
• Flights in the day/night time under various weather conditions;
• Flights for application of aircraft weapon;
• Actions in emergency situations in flight stipulated in the aircraft/helicopter flight operations manual.
ATS allows one to monitor the readiness of air-crews and mission management teams for flights:
• To fully perform functions of flight instructor by the trainer/instructor during training using such efficient methodological flight training procedures as joint flight execution;
• To perform management of training (flight management) by the instructor in areas of responsibility of all individuals of flight
management group;
• To introduce emergency cases in flight and control trainee pilot’s actions in emergency situations in flight by the instructor during training with the possibility of unlimited (within the flight time) repetition of the emergency case until its complete practising without flight interruption.
The designer and manufacturer is Closed joint-stock company Group of Manufacturing Technologies and Aeronautical Engineering “AEROMASH”.