State-owned Foreign Trade Unitary Enterprise "Belspetsvneshtechnika"

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Государственное внешнеторговое
унитарное предприятие


Республика Беларусь, 220103
г. Минск, ул. Калиновского, д. 8

Тел: +375 (17) 269-63-33

Факс: +375 (17) 269-63-43


Время работы предприятия:

Понедельник - пятница



2S3 self–propelled gun driving simulator

The simulators are designed for classroom drivers’ training and training of armored vehicles commanders and gunners in driving, armament and firing at different weather conditions, season of the year and time of day without ammunition and tank resources consumption. The simulators can be executed as an integrated solution and separately for each module.

Production versions of simulators:
• For crew training (on dynamic and stationary platform);
• Commander’s and gunner’s simulator/gunner’s simulator (on dynamic and stationary platform);
• Driver’s simulator (on dynamic and stationary platform).